

Hey girl……welcome!!

I’m so excited for you to be here and welcome to my little slice of the web!

I’m Kimberly a 40-something Mom to 4 older kids 25, 23, 21, and 18. I’ve been married to my best friend for over 20 years. He’s my sidekick and my DIY partner! I couldn’t do what I do without him, we truly are yin and yang.

I’m the creator, designer, researcher, finisher and he’s the overthinker and engineer that builds my visions.

Don’t let this fool you though, when we dive into our projects we usually know very little, and Youtube, or Pinterest what we need to learn, lol.

I like to call it University Google & Youtube! 🤣

Let’s Get to the Real Reason We’re Here

I’m passionate about sharing ALL the things. Inspiring you, and cheering on women to be the best version of themself. If I’m honest though, Social media can be draining. Do you agree? I’m sure you can.

By creating this space my goal is to be able to connect with you and share ALL the things without having to live on Social Media.

Through this blog, I’m able to give you so much more value here! 💕

I’m looking forward to inspiring you through budget-friendly decor, DIYs, and how to create a COZY home without spending a fortune. Nothing excites me more than finding a great deal on something and being able to share it with my friends!

Let me tell you a bit about myself!

  • I’ve been a serial entrepreneur for 20+ years, I was a Cosmetologist for 19 of those years. (I loved every minute of it). Helping women feel beautiful and confident has been one of my passions since I was a little girl. I decided to retire from the industry when we moved from the East Coast to sunny Arizona in 2015. Moving has been life-changing for us. Living on the East Coast with cloudy winters can really affect your mood and Arizona has been AMAZING!
  • I’m a multi-passionate creative. I have so many interests sometimes it’s hard to stay focused, lol. I’m pretty sure I have ADD undiagnosed, for reals!
  • You can find me at Target, or HomeGoods at least once a week, and usually with a Starbucks in hand!
  • I’m a big homebody, I love being home which is why I love making our home as cozy and inviting as possible. It’s my happy place!
  • I’m true crime OBSESSED, like OBSESSED my husband thinks it’s unhealthy. 🤣 If you have any favorite shows, books, or Podcasts share them with me girlfriend!!
  • I hate to run, like hate. I just can’t. You will find me walking to exercise and Yoga though.
  • Organizing is my jam, it makes me happy and helps me when I’m stressed out.
  • I’m totally a serial learner! I get bored real easily if I’m not being challenged, I’m not sure if that’s a creative thing or what.
  • I love surrounding myself with like-minded women who inspire and motivate me to share my gifts!
  • I’m a #1 on the Enneagram, if you don’t know what that is check it out here! I love diving into personality types and all that fun stuff. It’s been really helpful to understand certain things about myself and have a different lens about it.

Building this blog baby of mine has been a very LONG process! If you wanna know the truth, my goal was to launch it a year ago! 😳 I’ve had a lot of learning curves, lol. I always want to be transparent and let you know I am anything but perfect, which is why I hope to inspire you that YOU ARE capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to!

I hope you find inspiration, a friend you can relate to, and some laughs along the way.

I love connecting with other Moms, and other Mompreneurs so feel free to give me a follow on my other Social Media’s.

Instagram is my favorite place to hang out!  

Thanks for stopping by!! 💕
